Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Abortion- Because I feel that it is a leading issue and it is very important

aids- I takes the lives of many people

adoption- I feel like it is very important for a lot of the kids not to go into foster home

alcohol use- It causes kids especially if it twords their fathers because the kids will be hurt.

athletes pay- I feel like only the pay for some players is too high only the extremely good players should be payed the most.
5 things that tick me off

1. people that know the ask a question but know the answer anyway. it makes me tense and I seem to not answer back

2. traffic on a busy day. When I have to do something important

3. When I don't get my way at home. When my brother seems to always win in every argument

4.  Sitting in a doctors office for to long because I cannot wait to long to see someone.

5.  Marc Gonzales because he always makes noises and can never seem to give you a straight answer